Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) in collaboration with the German International Co-operation (GIZ) has kick started the process of national workshops to generate information products for the joint development of the Lake Victoria State of the Basin Report (SoBR).
The report is meant to understand the current state of the basin and guide policy and management decisions.
It also seeks to foster regional co-operation and ensure the sustainable use of Lake Resources.
Already, three (3) National Consultative workshops for the generation of information products for the joint development of the Lake Victoria State of the Basin Report (SOBR) have been held in the Republic of Burundi, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya.
During the recent joint workshop at the Water Resources Institute in Entebbe in the Republic of Uganda between 16th and 17th April 2024, LVBC Projects Development Officer, Eng. Hilda P. Luoga noted the importance of the report as a key step to investment identification and prioritization, hence a critical activity for LVBC and the Partner States.
Eng. Hilda said, “I wish to highlight the linkages between the KfW-supported program which supports the implementation of 4 High Priority Investment (HPI) projects among other things, and the GIZ-supported technical assistance which is meant to strengthen institutional capacities of LVBC and Partner States”.
The workshop participants included delegates from various organizations/agencies/sectors such as environment, forestry, maritime transport, meteorology, water resources management, and development partners from the Republic of Uganda.
The main objective of the workshop was to generate information products in key thematic areas (Environment and Natural Resources, Water Resources and Development, Climate Change) on selected assessment indicators.
The other objectives were for the participants to seek clarifications on the SoBR joint development process, and the roles of various teams involved in the development of the SoBR
Representatives of GIZ, Consultants (GFA/Zutari and SWECO), and the staff of LVBC Secretariat attended the workshop.